RGB Hex to Thread Conversion
Enter the RGB values of a color to find the most similar DMC, Anchor, Sullivans, J&P Coats and Maxi Mouline Floss and Thread Color
RGB #D1D1D1 ✿
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | DMC Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Antique Violet Very Light | 3743 | 869 | 45372 | 4221 | 435 | #D7CBD3 | |
Blue Gray Light | 159 | 389 | 45474 | 7159 | 536 | #C7CAD7 | |
Antique Blue Very Light | 3752 | 1032 | 45376 | 7976 | 536 | #C7D1DB | |
Blue Green Very Light | 504 | 1042 | 45113 | 6875 | 675 | #C4DECC | |
Shell Gray Light | 453 | 231 | 45103 | 8231 | 930 | #D7CECB | |
Beige Gray Medium | 644 | 391 | 45150 | 5830 | 923 | #DDD8CB | |
Pearl Gray | 415 | 389 | 45091 | 8398 | 800 | #D3D3D6 | |
Pewter Very Light | 168 | 389 | 45483 | 8511 | 648 | #D1D1D1 | |
Tin | 02 | 389 | 45091 | 8398 | 800 | #D7D7D8 |
Or you can click on the shade below.
RGB Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.