RGB Hex Values for DMC Floss
Find RGB Hex code from DMC color code.
DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #645 Beaver Gray Very Dark
RGB | #6E655C | |
Red | 110 | |
Green | 101 | |
Blue | 92 | |
Get Pantone Code |
RGB #6E655C ✿
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | DMC Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Antique Violet Dark | 3740 | 873 | 45371 | 4224 | 429 | #785762 | |
Fern Green Dark | 520 | 862 | 45117 | 6318 | 660 | #666D4F | |
Cocoa | 3860 | 379 | 45458 | 5379 | 934 | #7D5D57 | |
Brown Gray Dark | 3787 | 904 | 45395 | 8501 | 816 | #625D50 | |
Brown Gray Medium | 3022 | 8581 | 45320 | 8500 | 802 | #8E9078 | |
Ash Gray Very Light | 535 | 401 | 45121 | 8400 | 816 | #636458 | |
Beaver Gray Dark | 646 | 8581 | 45152 | 8500 | 920 | #877D73 | |
Beaver Gray Very Dark | 645 | 273 | 45151 | 8500 | 920 | #6E655C | |
Pewter Gray | 317 | 400 | 45058 | 8512 | 627 | #6C6C6C |
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DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.