RGB Hex Values for DMC Floss
Find RGB Hex code from DMC color code.
DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #161 Blue Gray
RGB | #7880A4 | |
Red | 120 | |
Green | 128 | |
Blue | 164 | |
Get Pantone Code |
RGB #7880A4 ✿
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | DMC Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Blue Violet Light | 341 | 117 | 45071 | 7005 | 530 | #B7BFDD | |
Blue Violet Medium Light | 156 | 117 | 45471 | 7977 | 530 | #A3AED1 | |
Cornflower Blue Medium | 793 | 176 | 45204 | 7110 | 527 | #707DA2 | |
Cornflower Blue | 3807 | 122 | 45404 | 7150 | 527 | #60678C | |
Cornflower Blue Dark | 792 | 941 | 45203 | 7150 | 525 | #555B7B | |
Cornflower Blue Very Dark | 158 | 941 | 45473 | 7150 | 521 | #4C526E | |
Lavender Blue Medium | 3839 | 176 | 45437 | 7110 | 527 | #7B8EAB | |
Lavender Blue Dark | 3838 | 177 | 45436 | 7150 | 525 | #5C7294 | |
Blue Gray Medium | 160 | 175 | 45475 | 7051 | 530 | #999FB7 | |
Blue Gray | 161 | 176 | 45476 | 7150 | 530 | #7880A4 | |
Antique Blue Medium | 931 | 1034 | 45274 | 7226 | 633 | #6A859E | |
Blueberry Medium Light | 30 | 1030 | 45373 | 4301 | 512 | #7D77A5 |
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DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.