DMC 899 to Pantone
Enter the DMC number to find the most similar Pantone code.
DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #899 Rose Medium
Color | DMC Code | Name | Hex | R | G | B |
899 | Rose Medium | #F27688 | 242 | 118 | 136 |
RGB #F27688 ✿
Closest Match Pantone ColorClick the Pantone code to find out similar floss.
Color | Pantone Code | Name | Hex | R | G | B |
17-1928 TC | Bubblegum | #EA738D | 234 | 115 | 141 | |
16-1735 TC | Pink Lemonade | #EE6D8A | 238 | 109 | 138 | |
16-1731 TC | Strawberry Pink | #F57F8E | 245 | 127 | 142 |
The closest match is calculated based on corresponding RGB values. It is not a replacement of color card.
Or you can click on the shade below.
DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.