DMC 223 to Pantone
Enter the DMC number to find the most similar Pantone code.
DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #223 Shell Pink Light
Color | DMC Code | Name | Hex | R | G | B |
223 | Shell Pink Light | #CC847C | 204 | 132 | 124 |
RGB #CC847C ✿
Closest Match Pantone ColorClick the Pantone code to find out similar floss.
Color | Pantone Code | Name | Hex | R | G | B |
16-1516 TC | Cameo Brown | #C08A80 | 192 | 138 | 128 | |
16-1522 TP | Rose Dawn | #C2877D | 194 | 135 | 125 | |
17-1341 TP | Tawny Orange | #CD8472 | 205 | 132 | 114 | |
16-1431 TC | Canyon Clay | #CE8477 | 206 | 132 | 119 | |
16-1526 TP | Terra Cotta | #CE837A | 206 | 131 | 122 | |
16-1518 TP | Rosette | #CB8986 | 203 | 137 | 134 |
The closest match is calculated based on corresponding RGB values. It is not a replacement of color card.
Or you can click on the shade below.
DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.