Pantone to DMC & RGB Hex
DMC to Hex DMC to Pantone DMC to Other Thread Pantone to Thread RGB to Thread RGB to Pantone

Pantone to Thread Conversion (RGB, DMC and Others)

Enter the Pantone code to find the most similar DMC, Anchor, Sullivans, J&P Coats and Maxi Mouline Floss and Thread Color
Enter Pantone Code:


PANTONE 16-1431 TC Canyon Clay

  RGB #CE8477
Red 206
Green 132
Blue 119

RGB #CE8477

Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.
Color DMC Name DMC Anchor Sullivans J&P Coats Maxi Mouline RGB
Shell Pink Light 223 895 45045 3240 413 #CC847C
Terra Cotta Light 3778 1013 45391 2338 274 #D98978
Desert Sand 3064 883 45334 2336 865 #C48E70
The closest match is calculated based on corresponding RGB values. It is not a replacement of color card.

Use this chart only as a guide. Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.