Pantone to Thread Conversion (RGB, DMC and Others)
Enter the Pantone code to find the most similar DMC, Anchor, Sullivans, J&P Coats and Maxi Mouline Floss and Thread Color
PANTONE 14-0000 TC Silver Gray
RGB | #C1B7B0 | |
Red | 193 | |
Green | 183 | |
Blue | 176 |
RGB #C1B7B0 ✿
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | DMC Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Shell Gray Medium | 452 | 232 | 45102 | 8232 | 934 | #C0B3AE | |
Beige Brown Very Light | 842 | 1080 | 45240 | 5933 | 928 | #D1BAA1 | |
Beaver Gray Light | 648 | 900 | 45154 | 8390 | 932 | #BCB4AC | |
Tin Medium | 03 | 399 | 45059 | 8511 | 911 | #B8B8BB |
The closest match is calculated based on corresponding RGB values. It is not a replacement of color card.
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.